Sunday, November 25, 2007

Adding value to sales data: willingness to use service again

Among other things this blog is about saving advantageous solutions for future use. After writing the previous posting Viewing sales data by using XY charts, it came into my mind to compose a more general solution how to add value to your sales data.

Let's start with the following sales table (same as before, products A-Z, etc):

CREATE TABLE salesdata (
product VARCHAR(1),
customerno INTEGER,
market_area INTEGER,
day DATE,
quantity INTEGER);

By using the salesdata table, we create a new table salesdata_prod_cust_pair that summarizes sales for each product-customer pair within a season.

CREATE TABLE salesdata_prod_cust_pair (
product VARCHAR(1),
customerno INTEGER,
market_area INTEGER,
first_day_overall DATE,
first_day_season DATE,
next_day DATE,
count_season INTEGER,
quantity_season INTEGER,
new_customer_flag INTEGER,
use_again_flag INTEGER,
use_again_days_between INTEGER);

The following SQL populates the table:

/* Explore season 2007-Q1 */
INSERT INTO salesdata_prod_cust_pair

SELECT s.product, s.customerno, s.market_area,
MIN(overall.min_day) overall_first_day,
MIN( seasonal_first_day,
MIN(seasonal_next.next_day) next_day,
COUNT(*) count_season,
SUM(s.quantity) quantity_season,
1-SIGN(DATEDIFF(MIN(,MIN(overall.min_day))) new_customer_flag,
SIGN(DATEDIFF(MIN(seasonal_next.next_day),MIN( use_again_flag,
DATEDIFF(MIN(seasonal_next.next_day),MIN( use_again_days_between
FROM salesdata s

SELECT nxt.product, nxt.customerno, MIN( next_day
FROM salesdata nxt,
(SELECT product, customerno, MIN(day) min_day
FROM salesdata
WHERE day >= '2007-01-01'
GROUP BY product, customerno) q
WHERE nxt.customerno = q.customerno
AND nxt.product = q.product
AND > q.min_day
GROUP BY nxt.product, nxt.customerno) seasonal_next
ON s.product = seasonal_next.product
AND s.customerno = seasonal_next.customerno,

(SELECT product, customerno, MIN(day) min_day
FROM salesdata
GROUP BY product, customerno) overall

WHERE s.product = overall.product
AND s.customerno = overall.customerno
AND BETWEEN '2007-01-01' AND '2007-03-31'
GROUP BY s.product, s.customerno, s.market_area;

Please note that you must change red texts according to your database. DATEDIFF() returns days between two dates. 2007-01-01 and 2007-03-31 specify the season to explore; in this case 2007-Q1.

Here's some data:

As you can see:
  • Product A was sold to Customer 4 first time in May 2006, so C-4 is not a new customer during season 2007-Q1, therefore new_customer_flag = 0.
  • Product A was sold to Customer 13 first time on January 5th, 2007, so C-13 is a new customer during season 2007-Q1, thus new_customer_flag = 1. This customer used the product/service again on March 8th, so use_again_flag = 1 and use_again_days_between = 62.

OK. This was only the first part. By using the new salesdata_prod_cust_pair table, you can write in SQL:

SELECT product,
SUM(quantity_season) "Total quantity of items sold",
100*SUM(new_customer_flag)/COUNT(*) "% new customers in this season",
100*SUM(use_again_flag*new_customer_flag)/SUM(new_customer_flag) "% willingness to use product/service again",
AVG(use_again_days_between/new_customer_flag) "Average days before using
product/service again"
FROM salesdata_prod_cust_pair
GROUP BY product;

.. and get the following results:

See the last two columns! For example the willingness to use product/service again is an excellent indicator to monitor how much your customers trust your products.

By using an XY chart you can visualize the data:

Let's analyze:

  • There must be some problem in products U and B. Marketing might be ok (42% new customers), but once used the first time, only 10 % of customers are willing to use the service again.
  • The product C is in the other extreme. When customers use it, they probably love to use it again. Perhaps the teams responsible for products U and B can learn something from the team C?

I think I'm done with the sales data for now. Next time, something else.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Viewing sales data by using XY charts

An XY chart (scatter plot) can express more than a typical bar or line chart. Here's an example how you can utilize typical sales data and create two interesting XY charts that help your decision making processes.

Suppose you have a typical sales table:

CREATE TABLE salesdata (
product VARCHAR(1),
customerno INTEGER,
market_area INTEGER,
day DATE,
quantity INTEGER);

.. that contains row-level sales data like this (product names A-Z, market areas 1-12):

By using the data, you usually create charts like this:

.. and for sure this chart is informative in many ways.

Now suppose you are interested in knowing more about products and market areas. For example: what is the average quantity of items sold in this season (Y), and how many of the customers bought the product for the first time (X).

You can get the data by using the two following SQL queries (this season = 2007):

/* XY for products */
SELECT s.product,
AVG(s.quantity) "Average quantity of items sold",
100*SUM(1-SIGN(ABS(*) "% new customers in this season",
SUM(s.quantity) "Total quantity of items sold"

FROM salesdata s,
(SELECT product, customerno, MIN(day) min_day
FROM salesdata
GROUP BY product, customerno) q
WHERE s.product = q.product
AND s.customerno = q.customerno
AND >= '2007-01-01'
GROUP BY s.product;

/* XY for market areas */
SELECT s.market_area,
AVG(s.quantity) "Average quantity of items sold",
100*SUM(1-SIGN(ABS(*) "% new customers in this season",

SUM(s.quantity) "Total quantity sold in area"
FROM salesdata s,
(SELECT product, customerno, MIN(day) min_day
FROM salesdata
GROUP BY product, customerno) q
WHERE s.product = q.product
AND s.customerno = q.customerno
AND >= '2007-01-01'
GROUP BY s.market_area;

Now the charts:

Let's analyze:
  • Products clearly have different profiles. Product F is favored by old customers, while products L and T have recently found many new customers. In a single sales transaction, product U is sold by average nearly twice as much as D.
  • Symbol size is the total quantity sold. There are no big differences in the sales of different products. More difference exist in various market areas: area 1 is the most important, while areas 9, 10, and 11 are the smallest. (I created the data by using a random function.)
  • All market areas have almost the same "average quantity of items sold". The market areas differ more in X axis: in area 1 only 18% are new customers, while in areas 10 and 12 almost half of the customers are new. Perhaps the company just started marketing in areas 10 and 12?

All this is interesting -- no less so because the basic line chart cannot express this knowledge.

Nevertheless it must be said that these charts don't yet tell anything about the prospects in different market areas. Adding facts about market area size (for each product) would help your decision making where to target your marketing in the next season.

Therefore, don't be satisfied with line and bar charts, if you can improve your decision making by using XY...